(click on photos to enlarge)
Morning market in Hakodate
alive and kicking - 1.67 kg
cuttlefish ... hot and tasty!
Russian Orthodox church in Hakodate
Hakodate temple roof
Russian Orthodox church in Hakodate (2)
night view of Hakodate
climbing to Usuzan crater
on the path to the volcano
Usuzan volcano with rainbow
Usuzan volcano, overlooking the eruption path
dinnertime at the hotel
Toyako Lake
The chocolate factory in Sapporo
Sapporo: Dr Clark is remembered for three words
"Boys be ambitious" -- the full text of the parting exhortation by Dr William Clark to his students at the Sapporo Agricultural College is rarely quoted and is in fact unknown to the majority of Japanese. These three words have been lifted from their surrounding context and have come to be understood in the sense of personal ambition, which is entirely different from the original intention. Here is what Dr Clark actually said: "Boys, be ambitious ! Be ambitious not for money or for selfish aggrandisement, nor for that evanescent thing which men call fame. Be ambitious for knowledge, for righteousness, and for the uplift of your people. Be ambitious for the attainment of all that a man ought to be."